  • DEFENDI Burner Series
  • DEFENDI Burner Series
  • DEFENDI Burner Series
  • DEFENDI Burner Series

Lub cev muaj zog 4.4 kW
Plaub lub nplhaib nplaim taws los ntawm sab hauv
Plaub txheej ntawm oxygen aeration grooves, ua noj txaus
Kev tiv thaiv nplaim taws

370 (2)
370 (1)
Concentrated Extreme Heat, High-tech Cub rau Delicacy Cooking G370
ROBAM Huab Cua Kub Qhov cub
Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
Concentrated Huab cua kub rau stirring thiab ceev ua noj
1) 3 txheej ntawm cov pa oxygen rau kev sib xyaw kom zoo
①Four-gradient nplaim taws txoj kev tsim, nplaim taws muaj zog rau kev ua noj ua haus
Plaub-ntiv nplhaib nplaim taws los ntawm sab hauv tawm tam sim no gradient tsim thiab tsim cov nplaim taws txoj kev.Txhaum los ntawm "hollow combustion" ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, nws paub tias muaj zog combustion thiab ua noj heev.
② Plaub txheej ntawm oxygen aeration grooves, kev sib xyaw ua ke rau ntau hom kev ua noj
Tshwj xeeb teeb tsa plaub txheej ntawm oxygen aeration grooves, 20 precisely embedded qhov hluav taws kub, kev combustion los txhim kho cov cua sov, cua maj mam-hluav taws simmering.
③ Plaub ntu ntawm cov pa oxygen, txaus oxygen txaus rau kev ua noj sai
Plaub ntu ntawm cov pa oxygen tsim los ntawm lub qhov cub hauv paus, 360 ° txaus oxygen mov, roj thiab kev txuag hluav taws xob, tag nrho combustion, txaus siab rau lub sijhawm ua noj tsis cuam tshuam.
Concentrated huab cua kub, plaub lub qhov siab ntawm ntau qhov chaw kom tswj tau yooj yim
2) Concentrated huab cua kub, plaub lub qhov siab ntawm ntau qhov chaw kom tswj tau yooj yim
Plaub qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov chaw sib txawv kom ntseeg tau tias huab cua tsis sib xws thiab muab khoom, tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj cua sov tsis sib xws, thiab ua kom yooj yim ua noj.
3) 4.4KW siab zog, plaub txoj kev pressurizing, huab cua kub rau kev ua noj
Plaub-channel distributor, optimized gas mov channel, tag nrho-round nplaim combustion ua 4.2KW siab zog thiab ua noj yooj yim.
Humanized tsim:
① Waterproof hniav phaj, yooj yim tu ua kom xis nyob hauv chav ua noj
Lub tswv yim downward-bending tsim los sau cov dej khib nyiab thiab pab ntxuav;tiv thaiv burner thiab txhim kho kev pab cuam lub neej.
②0-thib ob ignition ncua, instant ignition kom txaus siab rau delicacy
Kov thiab mus, ignite thiab tsis tos.
③Reset burner cap pin, xav txog tsim rau chav ua noj zoo
Tshwj xeeb nrhiav tus pin tsim, yooj yim installation tom qab ntxuav, yooj yim pib dua.
④ Round aluminium alloy, zoo meej kom txaus siab rau lub sijhawm ua noj
Kev tshoov siab los ntawm Suav kev txawj ntse thaum ub "orbicular ntuj thiab lub ntiaj teb lub voj voog", kev tswj hluav taws ruaj khov.
⑤ Tsis siv neeg flameout tiv thaiv, zoo tiv thaiv chav ua noj txhim khu kev qha
Txiav tawm cov pa roj raws sij hawm thaum lub sij hawm sib tsoo flameout kom tsis txhob muaj roj to thiab ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb

Technical Parameter

Khoom Loj (WxDxH) 860x500x157 (mm)
Cutout Size (WxD) 820 x 450 (mm)
Nto 304 # S / Steel
Wok Burner 4.4 kWm
Gas Hom Natural Gas / LPG

Kev teeb tsa

Xa koj daim ntawv thov

Cov lus qhia ntsig txog

Tiv tauj peb

State Of Art Technology Coj Koj Los Ntawm Kev Zoo Siab Ua Noj Ua Ntej Ua Kev Ua Liaj Ua Li Cas
Tiv tauj peb tam sim no
+86 0571-89176089
Hnub Monday-Friday: 8 teev sawv ntxov txog 5:30 teev tsaus ntuj Hnub Saturday, Hnub Sunday: Kaw

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