  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven
  • Combi Steam Oven

Panggangan sareng uap, ngajantenkeun garing sareng lembut
5℉ Kontrol anu saé
150 ° Powerfu steaming
Fermentasi, sterilisasi, defrost jeung descaling fungsi
Sistem masak 3D
50 resep ngaropéa
3-Lapisan panto kaca jeung 2 lapisan low-E-kaca
Tangki cai éksternal listrik
304 # S / Rongga jero baja

Steaming and roasting satisfy different cooking tastes Built-in combi steam oven CQ760,①Redefine roasting space 48Lperfect capacity Meets all the cooking needs ②Easily finish professional cooking 13 cooking modes,③One-button brings chef level feast 50 automatic cooking menus ④Enjoy excellent taste 4 + 1 multi-dimensional roasting tubes ⑤Intelligent humanized design,External electric water tank ⑥Solve cleaning trouble Easy-clean heat resisting back plate,50 customized recipes Easy to learn new hand can succeed in one time The 50 automatic recipes have been tested repeatedly by the ROBAM




Parameter Téknis

Ukuran (PxLxT) 760×455×550(mm)
Pamasangan lengkep (WxHxD) 765x460x595(mm)
Semi-instalasi (WxHxD) 725×450×580(mm)
Peunteun kakuatan 3000w
Kapasitas 48L
Beurat bersih 32,5 kg


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